The files form the supplementary information (Figs. S1 and S2) of the
following paper submitted in February 2021 for publication in the Proceedings
of the Geologists’ Association:
Harrald, J.E.G., Coe, A.L., Thomas, R.M., Hoggett, M., 2021. Use of drones to analyse sedimentary
successions exposed in the foreshore.
The files are interactive PDFs showing 3D textured mesh
models of areas of the foreshore near to Helmsdale, NE Scotland [ND 028 153]. Each model was created using drone photography shot in May 2018 which was input
to Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 1.4.2 SfM photogrammetry software and processed to
produce a textured mesh. This was draped with the photographic images to
produce the 3D model.
NERC PhD studentship CENTA DTP [NE/L002493/1]
A small grant from The Geological Society, London [Annie Greenly Fund].