unique_IDs_description """and then, towardes night, I wrett to my Cosine bouser, and reed of the Testement, and then went to priuat examenation and praier'""" """after, I walked and was veseted by my Cousine Cookes wiffe, and, after they were gone, I went to readinge and praier'""" """after took a lector, read of the bible, praied, and so went to dinner'""" """After priuat praers I did read, then I wrought a peece of work for a freind'""" """then I went about a whill, and reed a praier, and then went to bed'""" """after I reed and so went to supper'""" """After praier I reed and went to church'""" """After I had praied I brake my fast: after, I hard Mr Rhodes read, and wrought tell allmost dinner time'""" """then I wrought and hard Mr Rhodes read of Grenhame'""" """after, I reed and went to the church'""" """after, I hard Mr Rhodes Read, and wrought, took order for supper'""" """and then I reed a sarmon, and so, hauinge praied, went to supper'""" """and, after Diner, I went about the house, wrett 2. letters, hard Mr Rhodes read a sarmon, then walked with Mr Ardington'""" """After I had praied and reed, some of my freinds came, with whom I talked'""" """hard Mr Rhodes read'""" """and, when I Came in, I reed a litle of humanitie, and then went to priuat examenation and praier'""" """After priuat praier I went about and reed of the bible'""" """then Mr Hoby reed to me and an other gentlewoman Came to me, with whom I talked tell 5 a Clocke'""" """After priuat praers I reed, talked with my phesition and som other gentlewemen, and so went to dinner'""" """after, I went about and wrought, and hard Mr Rhodes read, and praied with him, and so went to supper'""" """when I had talked a whill and hard Mr Rhodes read 2 chapters of the Testement, I went to priuat praers and so to bed'""" """and allmost all the afternone, I hard Mr Rhodes read'""" """After I was readie and had praied, I went about the house, wrought a whill, reed, and praied'""" """After priuat praier I did read of the bible, then wret in my sermon book'""" """then I went to Read a whill and, when I had praied, I went to bed'""" """after, I reed of the bible, praied, and lastly dined'""" """after, I passed the afternone with Litle readinge because of my secknes'""" """after diner I talked of the sarmon, and reed of the bible with some Gentlewemen that were with me'""" """After I was readie, I praied, went about the house, took a lecture, reed of the bible, praied, and went to dinner'""" """After praiers I went to diner: after, I went to a standinge to se the quene Come to London, were I Reed a serome'""" """after, I reed and praied and so dined'""" """when I had praied, I took a litle phesick and then I reed of Mr Browghtons book'""" """after I diner I made an end of writinge my sarmon, then I walked, Red, and wrought'""" """after, I went to Mr Egertons sermon and so, within litle time, I went to priuat readinge and praier, and settinge downe some notes I had Colected'""" """hard Mr Rhodes read, took order for supper'""" """After praier I went about the house, and then went to my work and readinge'""" """After priuat praers I went about the house when I had reed of the bible'""" """and, after, went about the house and reed a whill, and so went to bed'""" """and after I had dined I reed of the bible'""" """After priuat praier I went to the Church when I had reed and eaten somethinge ... and when I had reed a whill, I went to priuat examenation and praier'""" """and then I walked awhill, and after reed of Mr Broughtons booke'""" """after, I wrought, hard Mr Rhodes read, and then walked abroad into the feedles'""" """and, when he was gome, I went to priuat praier and readinge'""" """then I hard Mr Rhodes read, and so I went to priuatt examenation and praier: after I went to supper'""" """After priuat praier I wrett notes in my testement, reed a whill, and went to the church'""" """I wrought tell all most 5 a cloke, and hard Mr Rhodes read'""" """after, I went to worke, and read, and so, when I had praied and supped, I went to bed'""" """hard Mr Rhodes read, conferred with him Vpon some thinges touchinge himselfe'""" """after I Came home I praied, reed of the bible, and dined'""" """I spent the after none in my Chamber and hard Mr Rhodes read a book that was mad, as it was saied, by my lord of Esex in defence of his owne Causes'""" """After priuat praers I reed'""" """After priuat praers I did eate, read, and then goe to the church'""" """and then wrought and hard Mr Rhodes read of the principles of poperie out of one of their owne bookes'""" """then I Came home and praied priuatly and reed of the bible'""" """after, I reed abroad'""" """After I was readie I praied, then reed of the bible and an other good book, and after 10 a cloke...'""" """After priuat praier I reed a whill to my mother, and then went to the church'""" """then I talked and reed to some good wiues that dined [with] me'""" """After my praier and readinge I went into the feedles with Mistress Thornbrow ... and, after she was gone, I went to priuat praier and readinge, and so to supper'""" """after that, I reed of perkins, hauinge som further Conference with my Cossine'""" """After priuat praers I tooke order for diner and then reed of the bible'""" """After praer I wrought and hard Mr Rhodes read'""" """then I reed of the bible, after praied and so went to diner'""" """After priuat praers I did eate, heare Mr Rhodes read, dressed my patients'""" """took a lector, reed of the testament, praied with Mr Rhodes'""" """when I Came home, I read of the bible, wrought, and after dined'""" """after I dined, I wrought, walked and reed tell allmost night'""" """I got vp and was lett blood: then I made me readie and went to priuat praier and reeadinge of the bible, as I was wonte'""" """after, I wrought, and hard Mr Rhodes read of the bible tell diner time: then I wrought, and walked a whill, and after hard him read'""" """After I hard Mr Rhodes Read of a good mans book, who proueth against Bis: Bilson that Christ suffered in soule the wrath of god and that he desended not into hell ... and hard Mr Rhodes Read of the same book'""" """reed a Chapter of the testement, and so went to bed'""" """then I did eate, read, and after went to the church'""" """after, I reed, praied, was busie about waxe lights, and then I dined'""" """After priuat praier and readinge I went to walk'""" """after, I talked with a neighbour, then wrought a whill and hard Mr Rhodes read'""" """read tell diner time'""" """After priuat praer I did read, break my fast, and then went with Mr Hoby to the Garden'""" """after, I wrought and hard Mr Rhodes read of a popeshe booke'""" """After priuat praere I did read to my wemen'""" """after, I reed and wrought and was Vesited by my brother, and, after I had praied and suped, I reed and so went to bed'""" """and, after I had reed a whill, I went to priuat examenation and praier: then to supper'""" """After priuat praier I reed, and walked to the Comune Garden'""" """tell about 3 a Cloke: then I rede of the arball'""" """After priuat praier and readinge I went to worke'""" """after, tell night, I kept Companie with Mr Hoby who reed a whill of Cartwrights book to me'""" """After priuat praier I reed a whill and then did eate my breakfast'""" """then I reed in perkins tell I went againe to the Church'""" """After I had praied I reed of the Testement and did eate: after, I walked and did medetate of that I had reed'""" """then I dined: after, I talked with my neighbours of that we had hard, and Reed some thinge to them'""" """after dinner I talked with som strangers that Came to Mr Hoby, wrought, reed a sarmon'""" """after I brake my fast, wrought, hard Mr Rhodes Read, took a lector'""" """After priuat praier I reed of the bible, and then I wrought tell allmost diner time'""" """then I was busie in the kitchine allmost all the after none, and then I reed of the bible, and so went to priuat examenation and praier'""" """and, after, I wrought, hearinge Mr Rhodes Read of a booke against some newe spronge vp herisies'""" """then I reed a whill, after I went to supper'""" """hard Mr Rhodes read of a sermon book'""" """after diner, I went about a whill, hard Mr Rhodes Read, and then I went to priuat examenation and praier'""" """After priuat praier I did read of the bible and then went about the house'""" """was so ill that I Could not goe to the publecke exercises, but Mr Hoby reed in the morninge to me and praied with me'""" """at the time of praier, I returned to priuat examenation, praier, and reading: after, I went to supper'""" """after ward I talked with Mr Gregorie, hard Mr Rhodes read, and, after, I went to priuat medetation and praier'""" """and, after, I did read of the bible, praied, and wrett in my sermon booke, and then went to dinner'""" """After priuat praier I did eate, read a whill, and then went to church'""" """After priuat praier I went to worke tell dinner time: after, I wrought and reed, and was accompened with Mr Edward Gatt and after with Mistress Mari. Gatt'""" """After priuat praers, I reed of the bible and walked about before dinner'""" """After priuat praier I did break my fast, read of the bible, walked to my workmen'""" """after, I wrett Certaine thinges in my sermon book and did read of the bible, praied, and then dined'""" """then I reed of the testement, walked a whill, and went to supper'""" """after, I withdrew my selfe and reed of the bible and praied, and then went to dinner'""" """reed a whill of another good book, and then went to priuat medetations and praier'""" """after, I wrough and hard Mr Rhodes reead'""" """After priuat praier I brake my fast and wroug, reed of the bible, and then praied and dined'""" """After priuat praier I reed, did eate my breakfast, and then went to the church'""" """then dined: after, I talked of the sarmon, and reed to the good wiues that was with me, and then I praied and againe went to the church'""" """after, I reed, wrett diuers notes'""" """After priuat praers in the morninge I reed of the bible, and so dined'""" """satt with Mr Hoby tell 6: then I went to priuat examenatione and praier, and to Read of the Testament'""" """after, I went to work and then I went about the house, hard Mr Rhodes read'""" """After priuat praers I wrett in my testement and reed'""" """after, I wrought and hard Mr Rhodes reead of the testement and other good bookes'""" """and, when I had reed a whill, I went to dinner'""" """then I praied, reed of the bible, and went to diner'""" """and, after I had reed and praied, I went to supper'""" """after, I was busie in the house, and walkinge and reading tell supper time'""" """After priuat praier I did eate, then dressed my patients, reed of the bible, and then saluted some strangers'""" """after, I kept Companie tell they departed and, after, reed and talked with a yonge papest maid'""" """...tell all most :11: a cloke: then I praied, read of the bible, dined'""" """after priuat praier and reading of the bible I did eate: then I hard M. Doman read'""" """After priuat praier I went to my booke, and after I dined'""" """after, I reed of the bible tell all most Church time'""" """some thinge I did eate, and then did reed, and made prouision for som strangers that Came'""" """took order for dimer, reed of the bible, walked abroad'""" """After priuat praers I went about the house and then I reed of the bible tell dinner time'""" """after dinner I dressed vp my Clositte and read and, to refreshe my selfe beinge dull, I plaied and sunge to the Alpherion'""" """when I Came in, I wrought and reed tell 5 a cloke'""" """and then wrought, reed, and wrett tell diner tim'""" """After priuat praier I did read, eate, and so went to Church'""" """then I dressed my patients, reed, talked with a neighbour, praied, then dined'""" """and, after, Hard Mr Hoby read of perkins tell all most 5 a clock'""" """After I was readie and had praied, I did read of the testemente and bible'""" """After priuat praier I reed and then went to church'""" """after I Came home I walked and reed, and then I went to priuat praier and examenation'""" """After priuat praier I did eate, read, and obsarued mine accustomed exercises tell night'""" """this day I Continewed my orderarie exercises of praier and readinge'""" """had so great a Cough that I Could not goe abroad, nor the next day goe to church, but exercised my selfe at home in writinge, readinge, and prainge, as well as I Could'""" """after dinner ... hard Mr Rhodes read of Mr Cartwright and the Bushoppe of Canterberies booke'""" """brake my fast: after, reed of the bible'""" """after, I reed of the bible, went about the house, praied, and after dined'""" """and after, when I had praied and reed of the bible, I dined'""" """After praier I reed ouer certaine papers of instruction [which] I had receiued from Mr Rhodes'""" """then wrought and hard Mr Rhodes read tell 4 acloke'""" """so, when I had praied priuatly & reed a chapter of the testement, I went to bed'""" """after, I reed a whill and so went to church'""" """After priuat praier I went to my booke, and wrett a letter to Mr Rhodes: then I dined ... and after I went to my booke: then to supper'""" """After I had praied I wrought, hearinge Mr Rhodes read tell dinner time'""" """and then I reed of the Testemente and so to supper, then to publeck praers, and so to bed'""" """After priuat praers I did read and went about the house, and, after I had broken my fast, I went to church'""" """and then I went againe to the church, and, after, I reed of the testement'""" """after I Came home I reed of the testement'""" """after that, I hard him read tell all most night'""" """I went about tell supper time and reed of the Testement'""" """at night I went to priuat praier and readinge'""" """when I had ben a whill about the house, I reed of the testement and then praied and examened my selfe'""" """after diner I went to work, and hard Mr Rhodes read of a sarmon booke'""" """and after reed and praied, and then I went to dinner'""" """and so, after priuat praers, I Reed a whill and so went to bed'""" """then I hard the sarmon and after reed of a good book tell supper time'""" """After priuat praers I reed, and talked with Mr Vrpith'""" """After priuat praier I did eate, read, and was busie deliueringe some monie'""" """After praers I did goe about the house and, hauing dune som busenes, I did eate a litle, read, and lastly dined'""" """After priuat praier I went about the house, and, hauinge eaten some thinge, I went to work, and hard Mr Rhodes read'""" """after, I reed of the bible, and then went to priuatt praier and, after publeck, so to bed'""" """Before he was Bachelor of Arts he read Stapletons Fortress of the Faith, and therein finding how confidently he asserted Antiquity for the Popish Tenets, withall, branding our Church and Religion with novelty in what we dissented from them, he was much troubled at it, not knowing but that his quotations might be right; and he was convinced that the Ancientest must needs be best, as the nearer the Fountain the sweeter, and clearer are the streams; yet withall, he suspected that Stapleton might mis-report the Fathers, or wrest them to his own sense; and therefore he took up a setled resolution, that in due time, if God prolonged his life and health, he would trust onely his own eyes by reading over all the Fathers for his satisfaction herein;""" """After priuat praers and my breakfast, I reed of the bible'""" """after I was in my Chamber, I praied priuatly, reed of the Testament, and then supper'""" """After priuat I stoudied my lecture and, after, I I took a newe, wrought, and hard Mr Rhodes read of the bible'""" """After priuat praier I took accountes, did reead of the bible, praied, and walked, and so dined'""" """and, when I Came home, I mad an end of writing my sermon, then reed of the bible'""" """After I had praied I went about the house, then I hard Mr Rhodes read, took a lecture, praied, wrought, and went to dinner'""" """then went to priuat praer and reed a whill, and so went to bed'""" """After priuat praier and readinge a whill I went to the church ... then dined: after, I talked [with] some of my neighbours and then reed againe ... I went againe to the church: then I reed a whill'""" """After priuat praers I reed of the bible, talked [with] some of my freindes, praied, and then went to diner'""" """and after returned to priuat praier and readinge of the testement'""" """I praied and dined, and then I talked with my Mother and reed to hir'""" """I went to supper, then I reed, and lastly went to bed'""" """all the followinge I went about and hard Mr Rhodes Read tell my time of priuat examenation and praier'""" """after I Came in I reed, praied, and then went to dinner'""" """After priuat praier I reed of Mr Ardington's booke, and then did eate my breakfast'""" """After priuat praers I went about the house, reed of the testement, wrett some medetation that I had the day before'""" """after, hard mr Rhodes read praies, and went to bed'""" """after, I reed, praied, and dined'""" """after priuat praers I reed, walked and medetated'""" """After priuat praiers I went to readinge: then I was busie tell diner time ... then I returned home, and reed, and after I was Veseted by my brother' """ """All but the times of my ordenarie exercises of praier and readinge I was busie takinge order for my going to london, and packinge of thinges'""" """then I reed of the bible: after, I praied and so dined'""" """After I was readie I was Called to some busenes, which dine I went to priuat praier and readinge'""" """gott Mr Hoby to Read some of perkines to me, and, after diner, I red as Longe as I Could my selfe'""" """gott Mr Hoby to Read some of perkines to me, and, after diner, I red as Longe as I Could my selfe'""" """this day, for prainge, readinge and workinge, I Continewed my ordenarie exercises, with much Comfort and peace of Conscience, I thanke god, hauinge Learned some thing from Mr Rhodes his readinge vnto me, as, first, that no Callinge is lawfull with out a growne for itt in godes word: 2., that the title of Lord Archbusshopes are Vnlawfull: 3., that no minister should be made without a minestrie and charge, vnto which he should be ordained'""" """this day, for prainge, readinge and workinge, I Continewed my ordenarie exercises, with much Comfort and peace of Conscience, I thanke god, hauinge Learned some thing from Mr Rhodes his readinge vnto me, as, first, that no Callinge is lawfull with out a growne for itt in godes word: 2., that the title of Lord Archbusshopes are Vnlawfull: 3., that no minister should be made without a minestrie and charge, vnto which he should be ordained'""" """and after dinner I reed to some good neighbours'""" """after, I went to my Clositt, and there reed and praied'""" """After piruatt praier I went about the house, and hard Mr Rhodes read'""" """I kept my chamber, and hard Iohn Corrow and Mr Rhodes read to me'""" """I Continewed well, I thanke god, these daies: and reed some medetations of the Lady Bowes hir Makinge'""" """after I Cam home I was pained in the toothach which Continewed with me 4 days after, in which time I exercised prainge and readinge as I was able'""" """I hard this day, after I had praied, Mr Rhodes read the booke of my lord Esixe treason, and I wrought: and so like wise in the after none Iohn Corrow and he did read by Course vnto me tell a litle before I went to priuat praier and medetation'""" """This day and the next I went about the house, after I had hard Kate [read] a chapter'""" """After praiers And readinge I went to diner'""" """After praier I wrough, and hard Mr Rhodes and younge Coroow read'""" """After I had reed and praied I went about the house'""" """and then read and praied priuatly'""" """After priuat praier and readinge I went to worke'""" """In the morning I praied, hard Mr Rhodes read, and wrought'""" """After priuatt praier I went to readinge and worke tell diner'""" """and, after, went to readinge and preparation for the next day'""" """after the sarmon and dimer, I reed to the wiues and talked of the sarmon'""" """this day it pleased god to blesse my reading and medetation, and, in the afternone my hearinge of Mr Vrpith: after, I Came home and Caused Mr Stillington to Read of Grenhame, and, after, I went to priuatt readinge and praier'""" """and att night, I had read a letter that Came from Mr Rhodes'""" """After priuat praier I reed of the bible, and so went to the church'""" """After priuat praier I reed of the bible, and so went to the church: after, I Came home, and after diner I reed a Litle to som good wiffes'""" """this day was rainie so that I Could nor durst goe abroad but exersised in the house, with prainge and reading and singing psa[lms], and Conferinge'""" """After priuatt prairs I reed abroad [with] my Cosine Dakine'""" """and after went to readinge and medetation'""" """After priuatt prairs I went to my worke, after I had reed of the bible' """ """After prairs I went to work, and, hauinge reed a Litle, I talked with some that Came to Dine with vs'""" """After praier I went to the church, and, after, I Came from thence, I praied and reed: after, I dined: then, I talked a whill, and after, wrett notes in my bible, and reed, tell church time'""" """hard Mr Rhodes read'""" """After priuat praiers I brake my fast and reed'""" """after I Came home Mr Hoby rede to me a sarmon of Vdale'""" """reed to the good wiffes, as I had wont, after dinner'""" """after, I dined, and after I talked and reed to some good wiffes: after, I praied and reed, and wrett notes in my bible of the morninge exercise'""" """after, I dined, and after I talked and reed to some good wiffes: after, I praied and reed, and wrett notes in my bible of the morninge exercise'""" """After priuatt praiers I reed of the bible'""" """After, I went to priuat readinge and medetation'""" """this day I, beinge not well, praied and reed in mine owne chamber'""" """this day I kept my chamber, and, as I was able, I wrought and reede and had Mr Ardington read to me and Mr Rhodes'""" """this day I kept my chamber, and, as I was able, I wrought and reede and had Mr Ardington read to me and Mr Rhodes'""" """hard Mr Rhodes read of Mr perkins new booke'""" """this day I Continewed to heare, and read, and pray, I praise god, [with] much Comfort as before'""" """at my accustomed Hower, I returned to priuatt readinge and praier'""" """after diner, I hard Mr Rhodes read, and wrought'""" """then, after diner, I ... Continewed to exercis my selfe in some busenes tell praier, hauing Mr Rhodes and Mr Ardington to read to me'""" """After my accustomed prairs I did eate and read'""" """after, I reed, and wrought tell :2: a cloke'""" """after, I hard Mr Rhodes read of perkin'""" """and, sonne after, went to priuatt prairs and readinge'""" """after, I hard Mr Ardington Read, and reed my selfe a Catzisimie of the Lord supper'""" """After praier I wrought, reed, went about the house, and praied againe before diner'""" """after supper, I hard Mr Aston praie and reade, and so went to bed'""" """at Night went to priuatt praier, after Mr Hoby had reed vnto me some notes of Mr Egertons Lecturs'""" """After priuatt praiers I reed, and kept Companie with Mrs Girlington and diuers that Came'""" """hard Mr Rhodes read of the true diCeplen of christes church'""" """dined, reed of the bible, walked abroad'""" """then I wrought and hard Mr Rhodes read'""" """before diner I praied and read of the bible'""" """then I praied and reed, dined'""" """after, I returned in to my Chamber, and there reed and praied tell all most I went to supper'""" """hard Kate read a chapter'""" """the rest of the day, after the afternone sermon, I spent in readinge, singing, praing, and hearinge repeticions'""" """After priuat prairs I reed of Mr perkins, and after went to the church'""" """after, I praied, dined, and reed, and Conferred of good thinges to such wemen as dined with me'""" """After praier I went to work, and hard Mr Rhodes read of a good booke'""" """after, I Came home and hard Mr Rhodes read: after diner I went abroad, and when I come home I dresed some sores: after, I hard Mr Rhodes read, and wrought with in a while'""" """after I perused Iohn wass his accussinge Letter, I went to priuatt praier'""" """after Diner, I wrought and hard Mr Rhodes read'""" """After prairs and readinge I kept Mr Gatt Companie'""" """after, walked about with Hoby, and then returned to priuatt reading and praier'""" """I went about the howse, and then reed and wrought a whill before diner'""" """then I went to priuatt prairs and medetation and readinge'""" """I haue Continewed my duties or praier and readinge, both findinge my corruption and receiuinge stringth""" """in the after none, when she was Gon, I reed a Little of Mr Rogers book to Anne france'""" """He continued in the Colledge for the space of nine years, and in all that time (except he went forth a Town to his friends) he was never absent from morning Prayers in the Chappel, which used to be about half an hour after five a clock in the morning; yea, he used to rise so long before he went to the Chappel, as that he gained time for his secret devotions, and for reading his morning task of the Scriptures: For he tyed himself to read every day fifteen Chapters in English out of the Bible, five in the morning, five after dinner before he fell upon his other studies, and five before he went to bed; he hath been often heard to say, that when he could not sleep in the night time he used in his thoughts to run through divers Chapters of the Scripture in order, as if he had heard them read to him; and by this means he deceived the tediousness of his waking, and deprived himself also sometimes of the sweetness of his sleeping hours, though by that, which administred to him better rest, and greater sweetness; for he preferred the meditation upon the word before his necessary food with Job, and before sleep with David.' """ """at Night I went to priuatt readinge and praier'""" """priuat Readinge'""" """and towardes night went to priuatt readinge and praier'""" """and at night I went to priuatt readinge and praier'""" """and in the afternone I went to priuatt prairs and readinge'""" """and at night returned to priuat readinge and praier'""" """towardes Night I went to priuatt praier and readinge'""" """and towardes night I went to priuatt readinge and praier'""" """and after I had praied I went to readinge'""" """and after they were gone I retourned to Readinge and priuat praier'""" """towarde Night I went to my accostomed exercises of Readinge and praier'""" """and after went to priuatt praier and readinge'""" """priuatt praier and readinge'""" """and after the exercises I went to readinge and priuatt praier'""" """and after dinner went into the Garden, vntill I retourned to priuat praier and readinge'""" """In the year 1622 he was chosen reader, and read upon the statute 32 H.8, cap 2, concerning lymitations. . . .After the recept of the writreturnable the tearme following he read againe in the summer vacation one weeke, upon the stat. 13 Eliz. cap 5, concerning fraudulent conveiances.""" """""""""""In 1630 [William] Prynne saracastically claimed [in Lame Giles his Haltings 2-3] that he had 'repaired to the Printing House' to examine the sheets of Giles Widdowes's Lawlesse Kneelesse Schismaticall Puritan as they were being printed. He reported that he had 'found the written Copie' there, 'so mangled, so interlined and razed by Mr Page, and others who perused it before its approbation, that there was scarce one page in all the Coppie, in which there were not severall written Errours, Absurdities and Impertinences quite expunged.'""""""""""" """""""""""In 1630 [William] Prynne saracastically claimed [in Lame Giles his Haltings 2-3] that he had 'repaired to the Printing House' to examine the sheets of Giles Widdowes's Lawlesse Kneelesse Schismaticall Puritan as they were being printed. He reported that he had 'found the written Copie' there, 'so mangled, so interlined and razed by Mr Page, and others who perused it before its approbation, that there was scarce one page in all the Coppie, in which there were not severall written Errours, Absurdities and Impertinences quite expunged.'""""""""""" """In 1568 [Gabriel] Harvey purchased a copy of Aristotle's """"""""Organon""""""""; in 1572 he was given a copy of Aristotle's """"""""Rhetoric"""""""". Both Greek texts were copiously annotated and thus indicate that they were carefully studied.'""" """From [...] [1578] [Gabriel] Harvey bought and studied a number of Italian grammars and texts, also some in French and some in Spanish.' """ """From [...] [1578] [Gabriel] Harvey bought and studied a number of Italian grammars and texts, also some in French and some in Spanish.' """ """Throughout [Gabriel] Harvey's copy of [Lord Henry Howard's """"""""A Defensative against the poyson of supposed prophesies""""""""] are underlinings and comments [on the necessity of patience, Howard's work having contained attacks on Harvey's astrologer brother]'.""" """In 1584 [Gabriel Harvey] had acquired [...] Hugkel's """"""""Semeiotice"""""""", 1560, a medical text which bases its diagnoses on Galenic theory and the four humours [...] The inscription on the title-page [...] suggests Harvey's dissatisfaction with his progress in medicine. He writes in Latin that the volume has not yet been (adequately) read, for its contents are not yet at his fingertips.'""" """In the preface to Thomas Wilson's """"""""The arte of Rhetorike, for the use of all such as are studious of Eloquence"""""""" (1567), the text recounts God's granting the gift of eloquence [to men] [...] Next to this passage Harvey inscribes his symbol for eloquence, the planetary sign of Mercury.'""" """[In Gabriel Harvey's methods of annotation] Succinct captions of one or two words placed in the margin often summarize a fairly lengthy textual discussion, e.g., in Thomas Blundevill's """"""""The foure chiefest Offices belonging to Horsemanship"""""""" (1580) [...] On fol.5r Harvey inscribes at the top """"""""How the Rider ought to sitt in his Saddle"""""""" [...] and on fol.51v he summarizes with the inscription, """"""""[italics]The parts of the bit[end italics]: as they ar termed by their [italics]proper names[end italics]. Italics indicate Harvey's underlinings.'""" """In A. P. Gasser's """"""""Historiarum, et Chronicorum Totius Mundi Epitome"""""""" (1538) purchased by [Gabriel] Harvey in 1576, are brief manuscript characterizations [by Harvey] of some of the historical figures mentioned.'""" """In George North's """"""""Description of Swedland, Gotland, and Finland"""""""" (1561), on sig.G2r next to a textual discussion of the """"""""Swecian Language"""""""" and a copy of """"""""The Lordes Prayer"""""""" in Swedish, Harvey adds: """"""""The same radical of owre Inglish, & Scottish, notwithstanding sundrie dialects, or idioms, even amongst owrselves"""""""".' """ """Lodovico Domenichi's """"""""Facetie, motti, et burle"""""""" (1571) [an Italian collection of short miscellaneous observations and anecdotes] [...] stimulated Harvey to jot down [in its wide margins] a variety of musings and random philosophical reflections.' """ """An annotated copy of John Hart's """"""""Orthographie"""""""" which undoubtedly belonged to [Gabriel] Harvey [...] is replete with his comments on spellings and punctuations [...] On sig. Diiir where the text states """"""""a writing is corrupted when any worde or sillable hath more letters, than are used of voyces in the pronunciation"""""""" Harvey cites as examples: """"""""Comptroller, Bloudde, Adde, Speake"""""""".' """ """In Battista Guarini's """"""""Il Pastor Fido"""""""" (1591) [Gabriel] Harvey sometimes places a tiny letter symbol above a textual passage and an explanatory note or translation in the margin text to a notation of the same tiny letter.'""" """In [Gabriel Harvey's copy of] G. Breule's """"""""Praxis Medicinae Theorica"""""""" (1585) on the front flyleaf is a manuscript index of various medical problems, together with page references.'""" """Virginia F. Stern notes annotations made by Gabriel Harvey in his copy of Joannis Foorth, """"""""Synopsis Politica""""""""(1582).""" """On sig. AIv of [John] Blundevill, [""""""""The fower chiefest offices belonging to Horsemanship""""""""], [Gabriel] Harvey inscribes: """"""""I use Mr Astley [John Astley's """"""""The Art of Riding""""""""(1584)], for the compendious, & fine Art: and Mr Blundevill for the larger & fuller Discourses upon the Art""""""""'. """ """[One] branch of [Gabriel] Harvey's marginalia [...] has to do with his study of the techniques of warfare. Extensive notes in this area are found in his copies of [...] Machiavelli (Peter Whitehorne's 1573 translation of the """"""""Arte of Warre""""""""), and Whitehorne's """"""""Certaine wayes for the ordering of Soldiours"""""""" (1574).'""" """[One] branch of [Gabriel] Harvey's marginalia [...] has to do with his study of the techniques of warfare. Extensive notes in this area are found in his copies of [...] Machiavelli (Peter Whitehorne's 1573 translation of the """"""""Arte of Warre""""""""), and Whitehorne's """"""""Certaine wayes for the ordering of Soldiours"""""""" (1574).'""" """Next to [John] Balgrave's modest prefatory poem [in """"""""The Mathematical Jewel"""""""" (1585)] """"""""The Authour in his own defence"""""""", [Gabriel] Harvey comments: """"""""An Youth, & no University-man. The more shame for sum Doctors of Universities, that may learn of him"""""""".'""" """Virginia F. Stern notes that, in Gabriel Harvey's copy of William Bourne, """"""""A Regiment for the Sea"""""""" (1592; inscribed 1594 by Harvey), 'brown crayon-like horizontal markings emphasize various topics'.""" """Virginia F. Stern notes 'Many underlinings and MS. notes' in Gabriel Harvey's copy of George Buchanan, """"""""Ane admonition direct to the trew Lordis mantenaris of the Kingis Graces Authoritie"""""""" (1571), as well as comment '""""""""A fine Discourse of Buchanan, but bitter in his Invective veine""""""""'.""" """Virginia F. Stern notes that in Gabriel Harvey's 1563 copy of Cicero, """"""""Epistolae ad Atticum"""""""" 'The glossary is divided [by Harvey, using characteristic shorthand symbols as well as Latin] into eight portions for daily reading [...] A number of Harvey's signatures and copious annotations throughout the volume.'""" """For his carriage and deportment in his Family, it was sober, grave, and very Religious. He there offered up the Morning and Evening Sacrifice of Prayer, and praise continually: so that his House was a little Church. Thrice a day he had the Scriptures read, and after that the Psalm, or Chapter were ended, he used to ask all his children and servants what they remembred, and whatsoever Sentences they rehearsed, he would speak something out of them that might tend to their edification.""" """Adrian Johns notes how the school-aged Robert Boyle was advised to read romances [incuding """"""""'the stale Adventures [of] Amadis de Gaule'""""""""] as remedy for a """"""""melancholic state"""""""" following a tertian ague: """"""""Far from curing Boyle, he later testified, the stories 'prejudic'd him by unsettling his Thoughts ... accustom's his Thoughts to such a Habitude of Raving, that he hath scarce ever been their quiet Master since.'"""""""" """ """The boy is 'discontented ... because I cannot understand that which I reade'. The Devil Magirus 'expounded the places that were difficult', and for this reading expertise the student promises the Devil his soul. He later regrets this, but disappears, presumably carried off by the Devil.""" """Almanzor is as fresh in my memory, as if I had visitted his Tombe but Yesterday, though it bee at least seven yeare agon since. . . . I made his Story such a one to mee, as I cryed an hower together for him, and was so angry with Alcidiana that for my life I could never love her after it.'""" """for the most part reading histories, and such books of controversies as the tymes gave occastion for writing""" """But all this while, altho' now about Thirteen Years Old, I could not read; then thinking of the vast usefulness of reading, I bought me a Primer, and got now one, then another, to teach me to Spell, and so learn'd to Read imperfectly, my Teachers themselves not being ready Readers: But in a little time, having learn'd to Read competently well, I was desirous to learn to Write, but was at a great loss for a Master, none of my fellow Shepherds being able to teach me'.""" """"""""""" ... in Springfield when a printed copy of the code of laws of 1648 arrived in 1649, it was promptly 'published,' that is, read aloud to a gathering of the townspeople."""""""" """ """... between sixteen and seventeen years of age, by the serious reading of the Book called _The Saints Everlasting Rest_, she was more throughly awakened, and brought to set her heart on God, and to seek salvation with her chiefest care: From that time forward she was a more constant, diligent, serious hearer of the ablest Ministers in London."""