Folder PATH listing for volume Windows Volume serial number is 1A53-6E1B C:. \---Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Sp_parahox_putative_CRMs.bed | Sp_putative_CRMs.bed | Sp_tfs_in_parahox_CRMs_hindgut_72hpf.bed | vertebrate_tf_motifs_Sp_parahox_putative_CRMs.bed | +---combined replicate narrowPeak files and peak gene annotations | peakgenes_sp_24hpf_wt.txt | peakgenes_sp_48hpf_gut.txt | peakgenes_sp_48hpf_wt.txt | peakgenes_sp_66hpf_gut.txt | peakgenes_sp_66hpf_wt.txt | peakgenes_sp_72hpf_wt.txt | sp_24hpf_wt.narrowPeak | sp_48hpf_gut.narrowPeak | sp_48hpf_wt.narrowPeak | sp_66hpf_gut.narrowPeak | sp_66hpf_wt.narrowPeak | sp_72hpf_wt.narrowPeak | +---differential analysis | | named_48_RNA_UP_ATAC_UP.txt | | named_66_RNA_UP_ATAC_UP.txt | | | +---ATAC-seq | | +---48hpf | | | denovo_homerResults_48hpf_atac_gut_more_open.html | | | loci_sp48_atac_gut_DN.bed | | | loci_sp48_atac_gut_UP.bed | | | sp48_ATAC_gut_wt.tsv | | | | | \---66hpf | | denovo_homerResults_66hpf_gut_more_open.html | | loci_sp66_atac_gut_DN.bed | | loci_sp66_atac_gut_UP.bed | | sp66_ATAC_gut_wt.tsv | | | \---RNA-seq | annotated_Sp48hpf_gut_wt_RUV.csv | annotated_Sp66hpf_gut_wt_RUV.csv | annotated_Sp_gut66_gut48_RUV.csv | +---genome and annotations | | SPU_function.txt | | SPU_GO.txt | | SPU_PFAM.txt | | WHL_names_table.txt | | WHL_NCBI.txt | | WHL_SPU.txt | | | +---S. purpuratus genome 3.1 | | Spur_3.1.LinearScaffold.fa | | Transcriptome.gtf | | | \---S.purpuratus genome 5.0 | spur5.fasta | SPU_ids_on_spur5.gff3 | +---HiC data | +---100kb resolution | | chr11.mat | | chr11_xgi.bed | | sample1_100000.matrix | | sample1_100000_abs.bed | | | \---20kb resolution ParaHox on target analysis | parahox_norm.mat | parahox_norm_xgi.bed | sample1_ontarget_20000.matrix | sample1_ontarget_20000_abs.bed | Sp_50hpf_pairs.txt | Sp_50hpf_significant_20000.txt | +---known CRMs | known_CRMs_TFs_check.txt | known_CRM_sea_urchin.xlsx | +---narrowPeak files | sp4_24hpf_wtA_peakcalling_peaks.narrowPeak | sp4_24hpf_wtB_peakcalling_peaks.narrowPeak | sp4_48hpf_gutA_peakcalling_peaks.narrowPeak | sp4_48hpf_gutB_peakcalling_peaks.narrowPeak | sp4_48hpf_wtA_peakcalling_peaks.narrowPeak | sp4_48hpf_wtB_peakcalling_peaks.narrowPeak | sp4_66hpf_gutA_peakcalling_peaks.narrowPeak | sp4_66hpf_gutB_peakcalling_peaks.narrowPeak | sp4_66hpf_wtA_peakcalling_peaks.narrowPeak | sp4_66hpf_wtB_peakcalling_peaks.narrowPeak | sp4_72hpf_wtA_peakcalling_peaks.narrowPeak | sp4_72hpf_wtB_peakcalling_peaks.narrowPeak | \---scRNAseq sp72_positive_genes_annotated_all_clusters.xlsx sp72_tf_info_all_clusters.xlsx