The Open University

UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab Education and Digital Skills: A Conversation Event. 8 December 2021 Collection

Version 7 2022-01-14, 13:48
Version 6 2021-12-20, 09:19
Version 5 2021-12-17, 12:41
Version 4 2021-12-17, 12:23
Version 3 2021-12-16, 13:58
Version 2 2021-12-15, 14:41
Version 1 2021-12-15, 09:57
Posted on 2021-12-17 - 12:41 authored by Katharine Jewitt

This online event was held for those interested in sharing and/or learning about research being undertaken in relation to education and digital skills. 260 participants booked to attend the event and there were 28 posters.

The online event was hosted by by Dr Katharine Jewitt, The Open University and co-facilitated with Lee Dunn, The Scottish Digital Academy at The Scottish Government. The event was held to launch the new UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab's E-Team for Education and Digital Skills. This event was for everyone interested in knowledge exchange and / or learning about research being undertaken that aligns with the following strategic themes:

  • School Education and Digital Literacy
  • Professional Learning, Training and Capability
  • Digital Futures and Emerging Technologies
  • Praxis of Digital Transformation

This conversation event was an opportunity to share research, learn from others and network with people working and researching within the field of education and digital skills. People from all disciplines were welcomed.

The UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab enables knowledge co-creation and translation into inclusive practices. The Lab operates via a global online service that:

  • Develops platforms to operationalise and evaluate policy
  • Build communities of practice from subject matter experts based in Government, NGOs, Academia and Industry
  • Enable the co-production of knowledge creation and exchange
  • Improve constructs, models and capacities for the design and delivery of more inclusive and equity-weighted policies
  • Drive adoption and use of evidence in inclusive policy and decision making

The Education and Digital Skills team explores global challenges that affect people worldwide. Membership is drawn from higher education, government and professional bodies as well as non-governmental organisations. The work of this team is crucial in identifying the latest academic research and enquiry to inform policy and practice with a specific focus on education and digital skills.

Please contact Twitter: @KatharineJewitt


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