The Open University

Reproductive Bodylore

Version 2 2024-07-18, 09:25
Version 1 2024-04-24, 06:18
Posted on 2024-07-18 - 09:25 authored by Victoria Newton


The Reproductive Bodylore project (May 2020-December 2023) explored the role of vernacular knowledge in contraceptive decision-making under three work packages: 

1) a qualitative secondary analysis (QSA) of over 140 transcripts from five UK research studies on contraceptive use and experiences of reproductive autonomy. 

2) participatory research with 18 volunteer researchers who conducted qualitative interviews with friends and family members using a topic guide developed from the QSA findings. 

3) a six-day public engagement exhibition based on the research (October 2023), that focussed on the stories people share about contraception and hosted 1360 visitors. 


Reproductive Bodylore was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and led by The Open University with Project Partners: The Folklore Society and Public Health England. 


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Funded by AHRC Grant number: AH/S011587/1

Research Group

  • Reproduction, Sexualities and Sexual Health


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