The Open University

Findings and resources from the BEAUPEEP perceptions of digital badging project

Version 2 2023-01-19, 13:48
Version 1 2022-12-20, 20:04
Posted on 2023-01-19 - 13:48 authored by Alison Fox

This collection hosts the outputs of the pan-University Open University funded scholarship project about perceptions of digital badging completed during 2021-2022 including its tools, presentations and reports.


The  Badging Employability And User Perceptions: Evidence from Examples of  Practice (BEAUPEEP) project explored the different perceptions of, and implications of, offering open badges drawing on examples from two platforms: Open Badge Factory and OpenLearn. 

The project was a staff-student collaboration throughout its development. A core team of 4 staff and 4 students involved an additional team of 25 staff and students communicating through a MS TEAMS channel and monthly newsletters to help pilot instruments and share emerging findings. 


The project was carried out in three stages:

Stage 1 - a   desk-based study, completed by Associate Lecturer (AL) consultant Amanda Smith. This informed…

Stage 2 – an online survey adapted as three versions for a) students, b) OU staff and c) employers   was distributed to reach 7000+ students who had signed up to student consultation activities, a sample of 650 staff representative of the staff profile of the University and a wide range of employers through the networks of the Careers and Employability Service (CES). Surveys were completed by 31 employers; 90 staff and 117 students. This informed…

Stage 3 – two 3 hour evidence café discussions co-designed between facilitators trained by AL consultant Vicky Murphy and managed by student intern Lilybell Evergreen, which involved 10 and 15 participants respectively. After listening to presentations of evidence, participants discussed a) the value of digital badges, their purpose and use, b) what would be valuable to evidence and badge and c) what features digital badges are valued.

The evidence collected contributes to knowledge about the value and purpose of digital badges, particularly from the under-researched employer perspective, and provides insights to build on for future initiatives in this area. In particular it feeds into the Open University OpenLearn Digital Badging Steering Group. 



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Internal Pan-University Open University scholarship funding


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