The Open University


Posted on 2024-03-21 - 17:08 authored by Manik Deepak Gopinath


Online CABS Public Seminar Series programme 2021-22

Seminar 1:Building resilience in the BAME communities to improve their mental wellbeing

A joint virtual panel discussion between members from the Royal College of Nursing Ethnic Minorities Sub-group (RCN-EMS) and The Open University’s Centre for Ageing and Biographical Studies (CABS) chaired by Dr Helena Ann Mitchell [Chair RCN-EMS/CABS], and Dr Verina Waights (CABS Co-research Lead).The focus of the discussion was to explore the statement “Challenges such as racism, stigma and inequalities can affect the mental health of people from BAME communities.” [Mental Health Foundation]. The aim of the discussion was to highlight positive practices that practitioners and people who use services and their families to improve mental health wellbeing in their communities. The panel members consisted of Kojo Appau-Bonsu (Peer involvement worker); Zeba Arif (President, All Pakistan Nurses Association, APNA-UK and RCN Diversity Champion); Janet Idowu (Clinical Service Lead Acute Services); Professor Ben Thomas (Professor of Mental Health and Learning Disabilities).

View recording: Building resilience in the BAME communities to improve their mental wellbeing (2021-22)

Seminar 2: Health outcomes of racially minoritised older people: exploring key concepts

This virtual panel discussion between Dr James Nazroo (Professor of Sociology, University of Manchester) and Dr Halima Begum (CEO, Runnymede Trust) was chaired by Sam Toolan (Open University PhD student and CABS Member) and took place in association with the Early Researchers in Ageing group of The British Society of Gerontology. The free-flowing discussion focused on health outcomes concerning racially minoritised older people in the UK, including within the context of COVID and issues of terminology.

View recording :Health outcomes of racially minoritised older people: exploring key concepts (2021-22)

Seminar 3: Behind closed doors’ – nursing older adults in the home and community

Chaired by Dr Emma Stevens (The Open University/ CABS), the presentation was delivered by Dr Crystal Oldman CBE (Chief Executive of the Queen’s Nursing Institute).Dr Oldman explored the current context of health and care needs within the context of an ageing population. This included identifying that a large proportion of older adults live independent lives, yet a proportion of older people may have more complex health needs, leading to increased demands for NHS services.

View recording: 'Behind Closed Doors' – nursing older adults in the home and community (2021-2022)


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