The Open University

Jitka Vseteckova


  • Learning in the Fourth Age: the role of physical activity interventions for people living in long term facilities
  • Transitions for older people with learning disabilities and behaviours that challenge others, and their family carers: a merged protocol for two rapid scoping reviews of evidence
  • A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Managing Grief Experienced by Bereaved Spouses or Partners of Adults Who Had Received Palliative Care
  • A systematic review Protocol to determine interventions that are used to support the spiritual well-being of nurses
  • The prevalence of physical activity among informal carers: a systematic review of international literature
  • A systematic review on use of green spaces in supporting recovery from trauma in older people living in community in the UK
  • The effects of self-isolation and lack of physical activity on carers.
  • A systematic review on the prevalence of physical activity in informal / unpaid carers in the UK
  • Acceptability of Remote Monitoring in Assisted Living/Smart Homes in the United Kingdom and Associated Use of Sounds and Vibrations—A Systematic Review
  • A Systematic Scoping Review Protocol of the Physical and Mental Wellbeing Needs of Ageing Careers of Individuals with Learning Disabilities within the United Kingdom
  • The Effect Of Percussive Therapy On Musculoskeletal Performance And Experiences Of Pain: A Systematic Literature Review
  • Promoting workplace retention during global crises: An international survey of the preventive role of psychological support among victims of social discrimination in long-term care facilities
  • Ageing carers and intellectual disability: a scoping review of literature
  • Protocol: A systematic review of the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) compared with other psychological therapies in managing grief experienced by bereaved spouses or partners of adults who had received palliative care in the UK
  • Protocol: A systematic review of the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) compared with other psychological therapies in managing grief experienced by bereaved spouses or partners of adults who had received palliative care worldwide
  • A Systematic Review on the Prevalence of Physical Activity, and Barriers and Facilitators to Physical Activity, in Informal Carers in the United Kingdom
  • Supporting adult unpaid carers via an online dancing intervention: A feasibility/acceptability study
  • The Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Couples in Later Life. A Mixed Methods Systematic Review
  • Enabling better carer involvement: A qualitative evaluation of the involvement service belonging to a carers organisation in the United Kingdom
  • A systematic review of parenting interventions used by social workers to support vulnerable children
  • Six ways to look after your brain health in your 20s and 30s
  • Nature can cool cities, but proceed with caution
  • A systematic review on the prevalence of physical activity in informal / unpaid carers worldwide
  • Postural stability of adults with down syndrome – differences between women and men
  • The impact of motivational interviewing by social workers on service users - systematic review of literature
  • Retrospective medical record research: Reflections of a unsponsored researcher
  • Frailty and Spousal/Partner Bereavement in Older People: A Systematic Scoping Review Protocol
  • Use of current parenting models used in social care in the UK for families with young children identified as vulnerable: a systematic review
  • A systematic review protocol on the barriers and facilitators to physical activity in informal/unpaid carers in the UK
  • A systematic review on the barriers and facilitators to physical activity in informal / unpaid carers worldwide
  • How can Adult Carers get the best support during Covid-19 pandemic and beyond?
  • What is the early mobility of female doctoral holders, what types and subjects were their doctoral degrees in and what is the reported impact of early career mobility on physical and mental health and well-being of female doctoral holders? A systematic review
  • Young carers,COVID-19 and physical activity
  • Frailty and spousal/partner bereavement in older people: a scoping review
  • Participation in group outings, gender related profiling and preferences of outings for carers of individuals living with dementia: systematic review
  • A systematic review on the barriers and facilitators to physical activity in informal / unpaid carers in the UK
  • Barriers and facilitators to adherence to walking group exercise in older people living with dementia in the community: a systematic review
  • How can patients with COVID-19 and their family or unpaid carers be enabled and supported to manage palliative care treatment safely and effectively at home?
  • Frailty and spousal/partner bereavement in older people: a scoping review
  • Transitions for older people with intellectual disabilities and behaviours that challenge others: a rapid scoping review
  • Long‐term care facilities' response to the COVID ‐19 pandemic: An international, cross‐sectional survey
  • Barriers and facilitators to physical activity among informal carers: a systematic review of international literature
  • Long-term care facilities' response to the COVID-19 pandemic: An international, cross-sectional survey
  • Ecotherapy and out-of-classroom learning for vulnerable and disadvantaged young people: an evaluation of a project in England
  • Bridging the ivory tower gap: translating evidence-based research on healthier ageing for public audiences using the Five Pillars for Ageing Well educational model
  • Transitions‐Related Support for Ageing Family Carers of Older People With Intellectual Disabilities Who Convey Behaviours That Challenge Others: A Systematic Rapid Scoping Review
  • The impact of protocol designs for using massage guns on lower body flexibility: A randomised cross-over design study
  • Early career mobility and health and wellbeing of female doctorate holders: A narrative review of the international literature
  • Early career mobility and health and wellbeing of female doctorate holders: A narrative review of the international literature
  • A systematic review of international literature on the gender of unpaid carers attending group-based physical activity with people with dementia
  • Virtual reality environments for health professional education
  • Study protocol: Cross-national comparative case study of recovery-focused mental health care planning and coordination (COCAPP)
  • Research, Evaluation and Sustainability: Reflecting on 15 Years of Experience in eHealth
  • A Systematic Scoping Review of the Physical and Mental Wellbeing Needs of Ageing Careers of Individuals with Learning Disabilities within the United Kingdom - accepted for publication
  • Evaluation and sustainability: reflecting on 15 years of experience in eHealth.
  • Open Learn Article and 5 mini video lectures - Five Pillars for Ageing Well
  • Open Learn Article - 5 reasons why exercising outdoors is great for people who have dementia
  • Open Learn Article - Depression, mood and exercise
  • Regresní změny stárnoucího organismu a jejich vliv na posturální stabilitu Ageing and postural stability
  • Cross-national mixed-methods comparative case study of recovery-focused mental health care planning and co-ordination in acute inpatient mental health settings (COCAPP-A)
  • Computer-Assisted versus Oral-and-Written History Taking for the Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease: a Systematic Review of the Literature
  • What is the role body sway deviation and body sway velocity play in postural stability in older adults?
  • Social patterning in grip strength, chair rise, and walk speed in an aging population: The Czech HAPIEE study
  • What is the role body sway deviation and body sway velocity play in postural stability in older adults?
  • Recovery-focused care planning and coordination in England and Wales: A cross-national mixed methods comparative case study
  • Barriers and facilitators to adherence to group exercise in institutionalized older people living with dementia: a systematic review
  • Virtual Reality for Health Professions Education: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration (Preprint)
  • Virtual Reality for Health Professions Education: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration
  • Intersession reliability of posturographic measurements and impact of some somatometric characteristisc on balance control in aging
  • Use of stabilometric platform and evaluation of methods for further measurements – a pilot study
  • Measuring the balance control system – review
  • Functional and physiological changes associated with posture and postural stability in aging
  • Masáž jako prostředek kompenzace změn spojených se stárnutím organismu Massage as a part of healthy living style when ageing
  • Literature review of health related quality of life measurement tools for patients with atrial fibrillation: could they be used as a patient reported outcome measure?
  • Cross-national comparative mixed-methods case study of recovery-focused mental health care planning and co-ordination: Collaborative Care Planning Project (COCAPP)
  • Diagnosis and Decision-Making in Telemedicine
  • Impact of Motivational Interviewing by Social Workers on Service Users - a systematic review
  • A systematic review of interventions available during care crises for individuals with learning disabilities (LD) who are cared for by an ageing carer within the United Kingdom
  • Barriers and facilitators to adherence to walking group exercise in older people living with dementia in the community: a systematic review protocol
  • Impact of motivational interviewing on service users - a systematic review
  • Barriers and facilitators to adherence to group exercise in institutionalised older people living with dementia: a systematic review
  • A systematic review of interventions available during care crises for individuals with learning disabilities (LD) who are cared for by an ageing carer within the United Kingdom - protocol
  • The impact of dance and movement on learning, health, wellbeing and quality of life of older adults living with or without dementia and/or Parkinson's in the community: a systematic review protocol.
  • The impact of dance and movement on learning, health, wellbeing and quality of life of institutionalised older adults living with or without dementia: a systematic review protocol
  • Ageing carers and intellectual disability: a systematic scoping review of literature
  • A Systematic Scoping Review of the Interventions Available During Care Crises for People with Learning or Intellectual Disabilities (LD) who are Cared for by an Ageing Carer within the United Kingdom.
  • Protocol: A systematic scoping review of the impact of mutual care on individuals with learning disabilities and their ageing carers in the United Kingdom.
  • Frailty and spousal/partner bereavement in older people: a systematic review
  • A systematic review of the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) compared with other psychological therapies in managing grief experienced by bereaved spouses or partners of adults who had received palliative care in the UK

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Co-workers & collaborators

Grainne OConnor

Grainne OConnor

Chrispina Odunewu

Chrispina Odunewu

Ursula Stickler

Ursula Stickler

Jitka Vseteckova's public data