The Open University

Jane Seale


  • The role of supporters in facilitating the use of technologies by adolescents and adults with learning disabilities: a place for positive risk-taking?
  • Accessible Inclusive Learning: Futures
  • Technology Use by Adults with Learning Disabilities: Past, Present and Future Design and Support Practices
  • Mental health in distance learning: a taxonomy of barriers and enablers to student mental wellbeing
  • Digital technologies: who benefits?
  • Designing technologies for museums: accessibility and participation issues
  • One model to rule them all, one model to bind them? A critique of the use of accessibility-related models in post-secondary education
  • E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility Research and Practice by Jane K. Seale
  • Empowering the digitally excluded: learning initiatives for (in)visible groups
  • E-learning and accessibility: An exploration of the potential role of generic pedagogical tools
  • When digital capital is not enough: reconsidering the digital lives of disabled university students
  • Negotiating risk and potential: What role can positive risk taking play in promoting excellent, inclusive partnerships?
  • Transforming positive risk-taking practices: the possibilities of creativity and resilience in learning disability contexts
  • Inclusive research in education: contributions to method and debate
  • Management of chronic pain among older patients: Inside primary care in the US
  • Digital agility and digital decision‐making: conceptualising digital inclusion in the context of disabled learners in higher education
  • Not the right kind of ‘digital capital’? An examination of the complex relationship between disabled students, their technologies and higher education institutions
  • Negotiating a third space for participatory research with people with learning disabilities: an examination of boundaries and spatial practices
  • Power and resistance: Reflections on the rhetoric and reality of using participatory methods to promote student voice and engagement in higher education
  • The Conundrum of Training and Capacity Building for People with Learning Disabilities Doing Research
  • How can we confidently judge the extent to which student voice in higher education has been genuinely amplified? A proposal for a new evaluation framework
  • Understanding and Promoting Access for People with Learning Difficulties - Edited by Jane Seale and Melanie Nind
  • E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility Research and Practice. Second Edition
  • From the voice of a ‘Socratic Gadfly’: a call for more academic activism in the researching of disability in postsecondary education
  • How does risk mediate the ability of adolescents and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live a normal life by using the Internet?
  • A proposal for a unified framework for the design of technologies for people with learning difficulties
  • Wilderness and resistance: Illuminating the digital inequalities experienced by adults with learning disabilities between 1970 and 1999
  • What common design principles can be distilled out from literature in the field of technologies and learning difficulties that might inform the design of technologies within the EU funded ARCHES Project?
  • Inclusive museums and augmented reality. Affordances, participation, ethics and fun
  • Were we right? A re-evaluation of the perceived potential of technology to transform the educational opportunities and outcomes of learners with special educational needs
  • In search of a decision-making framework for involving users who have learning disabilities or sensory impairments in the process of designing future technologies
  • The while of participation: A systematic review of participatory research involving people with sensory impairments and/or intellectual impairments.
  • ‘I’ve been a whizz-kid since I’ve been at college’: Giving voice to the collective memories of adults with learning disabilities about the role that technology has played in their lives
  • A participatory approach to the evaluation of participatory museum research projects
  • Were we right? A re-evaluation of the perceived potential of technology to transform the educational opportunities and outcomes of learners with special educational needs
  • Accessible Inclusive Learning: Foundations
  • Engaging Ignored Stakeholders of Higher Education Accessibility Practice: Analysing the experiences of an international network of practitioners and researchers
  • Emergent analysis and dissemination within participatory research
  • Taking risks to enable participatory data analysis and dissemination – A research note
  • "Dreaming in colour’: disabled higher education students’ perspectives on improving design practices that would enable them to benefit from their use of technologies"
  • Taking risks to enable participatory data analysis and dissemination: a research note
  • It’s not all doom and gloom: what the pandemic has taught us about digitally inclusive practices that support people with learning disabilities to access and use technologies.
  • Access and Participation: The use of Technologies as tools for Inclusion by Spanish University Lecturers
  • Methods for achieving greater involvement of people with disabilities in the design of technologies
  • Addressing the main challenges of future assistive technology research by building a community of practice
  • A Research Agenda for Disability and Technology
  • Scoping a future research agenda for disability and technology: issues to consider
  • Constructions of disability and technology and the shaping of future research
  • The potential contribution of ethical frameworks in guiding the development of digitally inclusive support practices for adults with learning disabilities
  • Reimagining citizen science as inclusive praxis
  • E-learning and disability in higher education ? By Jane K Seale
  • Learning Technology in Transition
  • Strategies for supporting the online publishing activities of adults with learning difficulties
  • Doing student voice work in higher education: an exploration of the value of participatory methods
  • Management Issues Surrounding the Use of Microcomputers in Adult Special Education
  • Editorial: The role and influence of key stakeholders in the learning technology community
  • Accessibility 2.0: Next Steps for Web Accessibility
  • E-learning rhetoric, creativity and innovation
  • Developing e-learning experiences and practices: the importance of context
  • Making connections: reflection, feedback and support
  • Learning technologies and the lifelong learner: armament or disarmament?
  • The development of accessibility practices in e-learning: an exploration of communities of practice
  • The development of accessibility practices in e‐learning: an exploration of communities of practice
  • Two Perspectives on the Language of Special Needs Computing: Towards a shared view
  • Learning technologies and the lifelong learner: Armament or disarmament?
  • Using computer-based tutorials to encourage reflection
  • Concepts of access for people with learning difficulties: towards a shared understanding
  • Reflection on-line or off-line: the role of learning technologies in encouraging students to reflect
  • Accessibility 2.0
  • Methodological issues in researching online representations: production, classification and personal web space
  • A Contextualised Model for Accessible E-Learning in Higher Education: Understanding the Students’ Perspective
  • The influence of assessments on students' motivation to learn in a therapy degree course
  • Exploring the technology experiences of disabled learners in higher education: challenges for the use and development of participatory research methods
  • The use of the Personal Home Page by adults with Down's syndrome as a tool for managing identity and friendship
  • The same but different: The use of the personal Home Page by adults with Down Syndrome as a tool for self-presentation
  • Tools for negotiating meaning
  • Editorial
  • Reviewers for volume 14
  • Disability, technology and e-learning: challenging conceptions
  • Reviewers for Volume 13
  • Editorial: the role and influence of key stakeholders in the learning technology community
  • Time to experiment...
  • Disability, technology and e‐learning: challenging conceptions
  • Developing e‐learning experiences and practices: the importance of context
  • BOOK REVIEWS: E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education - By Jane K. Seale
  • Time to experiment...
  • Editorial: Letting go of the old and embracing the new
  • ICT and special educational needs
  • Keeping connected and staying well: the role of technology in supporting people with learning disabilities during the coronavirus pandemic.

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