The Open University

autognomus: AUtomatic Tension-Oriented GeNerator Of MUSic

Version 2 2021-10-19, 11:17
Version 1 2021-08-06, 12:02
posted on 2021-10-19, 11:17 authored by German Ruiz MarcosGerman Ruiz Marcos, Robin LaneyRobin Laney, Alistair WillisAlistair Willis
This is autognomus’ repository. autognomus (as in Automatic Tension-Oriented Generator of Music) is our publicly available music generation system capable of generating tonal music that has long-term structure and matches input tension profiles.

autognomus’ implementation is partly based on our system AuToTen, which automatically calculates the degrees of tension in a piece of tonal music according to Fred Lerdahl’s model of tonal tension. For more detail, see:

Ruiz-Marcos, Germán; Willis, Alistair and Laney, Robin (2020). Automatically calculating tonal tension. In: The 2020 Joint Conference on AI Music Creativity (Sturm, Bob and Elmsley, Andy eds.), 19-23 Oct 2020, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden [On-line].

autognomus was developed as part of Germán Ruiz-Marcos’ PhD research project. For more detail about what motivated autognomus, its implementation and evaluation, see:

Ruiz-Marcos, Germán (2021). Tension-driven Automatic Music Generation. PhD thesis The Open University


Research Group

  • Centre for Research in Computing (CRC)