Webinar: What are the tensions in seeking to ‘decolonise’ ‘bereavement and grief’?
This set of files contains information from an Open Thanatology webinar exploring the tensions around decolonising bereavement and grief. The session was hosted by Dr Jane McCarthy and featured a chair, a discussant, and three panellists. This included: Janet Wildman, Hady Kamar, Chukumeka Maxwell, Jacqui Stedmon, and Samira Ben Omar. Details about all of the contributors can be found in the ‘webinar details’ files. Joanne Jordan, co-chair of Open Thanatology, supported the facilitation of ‘questions from the audience’.
The files in this project include:
- Edited webinar recordings (trimmed to cut pre and post-meeting briefings)
- Autogenerated transcript
- File about the event details and further information about the contributors
All participants and attendees were informed that the webinar was being recorded and would be published on ORDO. This was both at the start of the session by Joanne Jordan and in the chat box. Anyone who registered for the event was also informed before the event that it was to be recorded.
Anyone wishing to cite this resource should seek to attribute items to individual speakers were possible.
Research Group
- Open Thanatology
Usage metrics
- Applied sociology, program evaluation and social impact assessment
- Sociology of culture
- Sociology of family and relationships
- Sociology of health
- Sociology of inequalities
- Sociology of religion
- Sociology of the life course
- Sociology not elsewhere classified
- Linguistic anthropology
- Social and cultural anthropology
- Anthropology not elsewhere classified
- Policy and administration not elsewhere classified
- Other human society not elsewhere classified
- Other Indigenous studies not elsewhere classified
- Culture, representation and identity
- Globalisation and culture
- Migrant cultural studies
- Multicultural, intercultural and cross-cultural studies
- Postcolonial studies
- Cultural studies not elsewhere classified
- Language studies not elsewhere classified
- Other language, communication and culture not elsewhere classified
- Other psychology not elsewhere classified
- Other philosophy and religious studies not elsewhere classified