The Open University

Covid Chronicles: From Child Refugee to Open University Graduate: Tribute to Heidi Hillman

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posted on 2022-11-23, 16:07 authored by Tom Cheesman, Josh Hillman

In this touching film, Heidi Hillman’s life journey from child refugee fleeing Nazi Austria to Open University graduate is narrated by her son Josh Hillman. A passionate advocate of refugee rights and of The Open University, Heidi’s generous donation made possible an online conference organised for Refugee Week 2021. The Improving Access to Higher Education and Employment for Forced Migrants conference on 14th June 2021 brought together educators, employers, politicians and policy-makers to listen to the experiences of forced migrants and find practical strategies to combat current obstacles to access and ensure that migrants can realise their full potential.


This material is part of the Covid Chronicles from the Margins project, funded by The Open University and The Hague. The project aims to highlight the impact of the pandemic on refugees, asylum seekers & undocumented migrants.

This item can also be found on our website.
