The classroom system (within Supported Open Learning Ecosystems)
We argue that teachers’ professional learning takes place primarily through their participation in, and intentional development of, more effective forms of pedagogic activity in the setting of their teaching. And therefore, teachers’ professional learning and young people’s learning are intertwined and co-located through their shared but different participation in improved classroom activities.
Further, we position such professional learning and practice as a purposeful and agentive activity—an educational praxis—which we define as theoretically informed action and reflection to transform learning (after Freire & Macedo, 2000). We argue that professional learning through praxis is at the heart of effective continuing professional development programmes for teachers.
As such—teachers developing more effective pedagogic approaches within the specific settings of theirclassroom becomes both the core process and the intended outcome of professional development.
Research Group
- Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology (CREET)
- Education Futures
- Centre for the Study of Global Development (CSGD)