The Open University

Gardening with Watercolours: the therapeutic value of being creative

posted on 2022-10-24, 12:54 authored by Carlos Ibarra-RivadeneiraCarlos Ibarra-Rivadeneira

Ruth is a mother, wife and a refugee. During lockdown she became unemployed and she felt deep despair and sadness. She was feeling very isolated not being able to have her “normal” life activities. She got involved in art classes and discovered the artist inside herself. She explained that her artwork allowed her to explore different ways of getting in touch with others and reducing her anguish. She said “I may not be artist, but I am creative. I am gardening with watercolours” 


This material is part of the Covid Chronicles from the Margins project, funded by The Open University and the International Institute of Social Studies in the Hague. The project aims to highlight the impact of the pandemic on refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants. 

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