Covid Chronicles Faith as a refuge during lockdown
B is an Iraqi asylum-seeker. He arrived in the UK late 2020. His time in the UK has been characterised by difficulty and hardship. B lives in a hotel which accommodates asylum-seekers. Most of charities supporting asylum-seekers have been impacted by the pandemic and therefore are unable to support those seeking help as they used to do before the pandemic. This has impacted people like B who struggled to access these free services. Limited access to English classes, limited exposure to other people and spending most time inside his hotel room has been quite challenging. Despite the above, there has been one refuge for B – Faith has been his escape during this difficult time – Reading the Quran and Praying has provided B with much-needed tranquillity and peace of mind during this Pandemic.
This material is part of the Covid Chronicles from the Margins project, funded by The Open University and The Hague. The project aims to highlight the impact of the pandemic on refugees, asylum seekers & undocumented migrants.
This item can be found on our website.