Celebrating Hallowe'en with Swansea Women's Asylum and Refugee Support group October 22
This picture is a collage of photos taken to commemorate the first full meeting, post Covid, of Swansea Women's Asylum and Refugee support group. This took place on 29 October 2022.
Although there had been some outdoor meetings over the summer the legacy of the lockdowns limited numbers allowed to meet in public buildings. The images have been chosen and cropped to remove recognisable faces. Other children do not appear. In many ways the picture is populated by ghosts. The photographs of the children's activities were taken by Afsaneh, a wonderful childcare provider, and, herself, a refugee from Iran.
This contribution is part of the Covid Chronicles from the Margins project, based at The Open University. It is a living growing archive co-produced with refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants and others with precarious migration status. It offers a digital platform where migrants document, share and debate the impact of the pandemic and its aftermath on their lives using diverse cultural and arts forms.