The Open University

Birthday party during lockdown

posted on 2022-11-29, 15:56 authored by Ahmad Al-rashidAhmad Al-rashid

This post is by Ahmad, one of the researchers on the Covid Chronicles from the Margins project. He says “The past 6 months have been quite challenging for my kids. Lockdown meant they were unable to go out and socialise – missing out on schools and other social aspects of everyday life. In the midst of all this, we managed to visit our friends and celebrate a birthday of our friend MO. This is the first birthday party that we attended in 2020.”


This material is part of the Covid Chronicles from the Margins project, funded by The Open University and The Hague. The project aims to highlight the impact of the pandemic on refugees, asylum seekers & undocumented migrants.

This item can be found on our website, here:
