“They are Human Beings!”: Fires in Rohingya Camp, 7th April 2021
After yet another outbreak of fires on 22 March 2021 at Balukhali refugee camp, Covid Chronicles from the Margins project received the string of WhatsApp messages below with a series of devastating photos of the fires from residents. They wish to remain anonymous due to the political sensitivities around these fires and police arrests of suspects. To date, according to news reports and residents confirmations, more than 17,000 shelters have been burnt and destroyed. More than 45,000 people have been affected by the fires. Eighteen people have died, 560 people have been injured, and more than 400 people are missing.
All images are shared with permission.
This material is part of the Covid Chronicles from the Margins project, funded by The Open University and The Hague. The project aims to highlight the impact of the pandemic on refugees, asylum seekers & undocumented migrants.
This item can be found on our website, here: https://cov19chronicles.com/fires-in-rohingya-camp-7th-april-2021/