Supplementary data for BEB-Based models for ionising cross sections of electron and positron impact with diatomic molecules. In addition to cross section data, BEB parameters are also provided.
Supplementary data for BEB-Based model for ionising cross section of electron and positron impact with diatomic molecules.
Publication submitted to EPJD: BEB-based models for ionisation cross sections of electron and positron impact with diatomic molecules. Eur. Phys. J. D 78, 56 (2024). This is the data from the figures and BEB parameters.
In this work, electron and positron direct impaction ionisation is computed for N2, O2 and CO. This is done using three methods, eBEB (electron scattering), BEB0 and BEBA (both positron scattering).
The cross sections computed include the fragment-specific, total, and single differential. Also computed was the average secondary electron energy and stopping power of the lepton.
All calculations were computed using the software RAPID-CS.