Reproductive Bodylore Project Interview Transcripts
This dataset includes 46 interviews about contraception conducted by 18 volunteer researchers who were recruited through patient and public involvement panels in England. Participants were volunteer researchers' family members or friends. All volunteer researchers attended a training workshop in qualitative research interviewing. The training materials, including topic guide, are available online [Newton VL, Greenfield M. Conducting qualitative interviews: an introduction. 2023 Conducting qualitative interviews: an introduction | OpenLearn - Open University].
The volunteer researcher fieldwork (March-July 2021) resulted in 47 transcripts with 52 participants (a small number of transcripts were group discussions). One transcript was removed for consent reasons. Most interviews took place online due to Covid-19 restrictions. Participants were all women, aged 19-47. Ethnicity was reported as 28 white British, 9 white other, 12 women of colour and two for whom ethnicity was not indicated. The majority did not report following a religion; religions self-reported by the minority included Muslim, Christian, Church of England, Catholic, Buddhist and Pagan
AHRC Grant number: AH/S011587/1
Research Group
- Reproduction, Sexualities and Sexual Health