The Open University

Outputs from energy simulation models created of 12 heritage buildings using the Reduced Standard Assessment Procedure (RdSAP)

posted on 2021-05-21, 13:33 authored by Freya WiseFreya Wise
This dataset comprises the outputs of energy models created for 12 heritage buildings using the RdSAP software and approved methodology.

RdSAP is the UK Government's approved tool for the creation of Energy Performance Certificates for existing domestic properties. These models were created to assess the validity of this tool for creating accurate energy models for heritage buildings.

The outputs of these models are compared with actual energy use from the heritage buildings (based on energy bills and meter readings), in the file 'Actual and modelled energy comparison.'

Each of the 12 buildings has a EPC draft certificate which: details the outputs of the model, gives a rating to the building and suggests potential improvements and their impact on energy. Each building also has a 'data sheet' which lists the underlying calculation of the model on which the certificate is based. Note that the data sheet provides information for both the actual building and then a 'notional building' as per the RdSAP methodology.

Thanks are due to Quidos who kindly allowed access to their RdSAP software interface. Note that none of the views or outputs reflect the views of Quidos and that the EPC certificates produced are merely drafts and therefore not valid.


Arts and Humanities Research Council AH/L503770/1


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    Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)



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