This dataset comprises the outputs from energy simulation models of three heritage buildings using Simplified Building Energy Modelling (SBEM).
Three different buildings were modelled in their current state (CS1, CS5 and CS14). A number of retrofits were then applied to each building to determine the energy and carbon effect of these retrofits. Finally a package of retrofits was applied to each building. Details of the retrofit options and the version names are included the file entitled 'Appendix B.'
For each iteration of the model there are two files. The first 'SBEM output' gives the energy and carbon emissions of the building in that iteration. The second 'data sheet' lists the details that were input to create that iteration of the model.
The building as it currently is named 'baseline', each retrofit iteration has a number and some descriptive letters (for example CS1.1TC is CS1 retrofit 1, thermal curtains). The final retrofit package is named 'Retrofit Combi'. Please note that the model outputs for Case study 14.3SG (secondary glazing) are missing due to an error with the software. Their results are still listed in Appendix B however.
Arts and Humanities Research Council: AH/L503770/1