The Open University

Mars Mesoscale Climate Model simulations centred on Lyot crater, with varied orbital parameters and ice sources

This dataset contains simulation output of the mesoscale atmospheric state of Lyot crater on Mars over the periods specified in Table 1 using the Mars Mesoscale Model (MMM) used at the Open University. Lyot is a topographically distinctive feature in the northern plains whose interior experiences statistically different conditions compared to its surroundings, impacting on the site's overall environment.This output is useful as reference small-scale Martian atmospheres at the specific location of Lyot crater in the northern lowlands, undertaken with varying orbital parameters (obliquity, eccentricity and time of perihelion) and ice sources, focussing on the water cycle.

Further details on this dataset can be found in the MMM-ORDO-reference-manual.pdf document .
