The Open University

Mars Global Climate Model output masked to UVIS aerosol opacity profiles, Mars Year 34-35

Version 2 2022-03-04, 11:02
Version 1 2021-09-21, 10:43
posted on 2022-03-04, 11:02 authored by Paul StreeterPaul Streeter, James HolmesJames Holmes, Stephen LewisStephen Lewis, Manish PatelManish Patel
This dataset contains ~1.5 martian years (MY) worth of output from the Open University Mars Global Climate Model (MGCM), masked to match the times and locations of opacity profiles from the UVIS spectrometer, part of the NOMAD spectrometer suite aboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). The dataset covers Ls ~163 of MY 34 through to the end of MY 35, and contains MGCM dust and water ice visible opacities, temperatures, and approximate hygropause altitude (defined as ~70 ppmv). Please refer to the linked datasets below for the UVIS opacity profiles themselves ("NOMAD-UVIS ozone vertical profile retrievals for Mars Year 34-35"), and for more detail on the MGCM and experimental setup ("OpenMARS database"). The MGCM settings used are identical to those used for OpenMARS, with the exception of the vertical levels (35 levels in OpenMARS, 70 levels for this run).

Metadata (Ls, Lat, Lon, LST, Altitude) are taken from the UVIS opacity profiles and model fields (dust_opac, ice_opac, temp, hygropause_approx) are taken from the nearest MGCM time/spatial/altitude point to the UVIS data.

Dataset fields:
Ls (solar longitude)
Lat (latitude)
Lon (east longitude)
LST (local solar time)
Altitude (altitude above the surface / km)
dust_opac (dust opacity in the visible)
ice_opac (water ice opacity in the visible)
temperature (atmospheric temperature / K)
hygropause_approx (1 if water vapour content is between 65-75 ppmv; 0 otherwise)






