The Open University
TEXT (3.51 kB)
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5 files

Enhanced Hate Speech Annotations with Background Semantics - Data

Version 2 2024-07-15, 13:22
Version 1 2024-07-10, 08:57
posted on 2024-07-15, 13:22 authored by Paula Reyero-LoboPaula Reyero-Lobo, Enrico Daga, Harith Alani, Miriam Fernandez

This is the dataset associated to the paper: Enhancing Hate Speech Annotations with Background Semantics. ECAI 2024.

The dataset is compiled in two CSV files: data and users. Data contains:

  • Social media posts and background knowledge (of general hate speech terminology and specific terms to target individuals or groups).
  • Hate speech and target group annotations in Phase 1, i.e. showing only the post.
  • Hate speech and target group annotations in Phase 2, i.e. showing the post with highlighted terms and a side column with definitions.

Users contains the demographic information of the annotators and experimental study conditions.

Content Warning

This research aims to tackle hate speech and contains examples of triggering and harmful language.

Risks associated with this study include feeling triggered or possibly harmed by viewing potentially toxic or hateful remarks and recalling unfavourable prior encounters. You may consider seeking support in the points: Stonewall (’s-information-service), Q:alliance (


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