The Open University


posted on 2024-05-13, 09:23 authored by Marion NaoMarion Nao

The current dataset on Austria is part of the ELEMENTAL project, headed by Anna Kristina Hultgren (PI), investigating the reasons for the use and rise of English for academic programmes at European higher education institutions within the context of their governance. Details of the project and resulting outputs can be viewed at the UKRI project webpage:

The Austria dataset comprises transcripts of semi-structured interviews between the project researcher and three types of participants: participants (P) of a case study university; an independent expert (E) without case study university affiliation; and participants who hold or have held ministerial roles (M). In total, the collection contains 18 transcripts involving 19 participants, all of whom gave consent for the OU deposit of their deidentified transcripts.

The interviews were conducted online between 2022-2023. They lasted between 45-80 mins, averaging at around one hour. A key to transcription conventions is provided at the beginning of each participant transcript.


English as a Medium of Instruction in European Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Europe and the UK

UK Research and Innovation

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Research Group

  • Language & Literacies