Digital Brain Switch (DBS; May 2013 – August 2015) was a project funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), which brought together computer science and social science. It was a collaboration between Lancaster University; The Open University; Royal Holloway, University of London; and University of Kent.
Data originates from a two year project examining the implications of digital technologies for work-life boundary management. Sample were 15 university students, 15 social entrepreneurs and 15 office workers across a range of institutions, organisations and contexts. Participants were recruited from a targeted invitation and all participated on a voluntary basis. Data consist of 45 week long video diaries consisting of instances of role transitions, textual transcription of simultaneous commentary and textual transcription of debriefing sessions. Additionally 45 hour long interview recordings and textual transcripts of further discussions of work-life issues, specifically work-life boundaries, work-life transitions and the effects of keeping video diaries.
Data were collected through hand held video cameras and recorded semi-structured interviews
Dataset contains sensitive personal information - restricted to project team only
This data set contains the project's supporting information, in the following zip files:
1. 'Analysis' - Notes on the analysis framework
2. 'Briefing participants' - Documents to brief the participants on what the project was about and what is asked of them
3. 'Consent' - Participant consent forms outlining what they were consenting to and how their data would be used
4. 'Data' - Data management plan outlining how and where data will be stored
5. '' - Ethics approval documents
6. 'Recruitment' - Documents used to promote the project and recruit participants
7. 'READ_ME_DigitalBrainSwitch_SupportingInformation.txt' - a text file containing this description.
The project's research data is also archived on figshare at: 10.21954/ou.rd.5531911
Pilot study data is also archived on figshare at: 10.21954/ou.rd.5549818
Data record in Open Research Online: