The Open University

Dataset: Impacts of Heterogeneous Chemistry on Vertical Profiles of Martian Ozone

Version 2 2022-09-16, 10:51
Version 1 2022-04-26, 09:30
posted on 2022-09-16, 10:51 authored by Megan BrownMegan Brown, James HolmesJames Holmes, Graham Sellers, Giuliano Liuzzi, Stephen LewisStephen Lewis, Manish PatelManish Patel

Data used to plot figures in the paper "Impacts of Heterogeneous Chemistry on Vertical Profiles of Martian Ozone", by Brown et al.

Observed Vertical Profiles

Files labelled _profiles_ls0-180.dat are the vertical profile observations from the NOMAD spectrometer suite aboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), which include the variable in parts per million by volume, the altitude, and solar longitude. Data are from Mars Year 35, Ls = 0 -180. NPH and SPH are the North and South Polar Hood respectively, and refer to observations >45 N/S. For more information, the ozone, water ice, and water vapour data have been processed in the same way as described by Patel et al. (2021), Liuzzi et al. (2020), and Villaneuva et al. (under review) respectively.

1-D Model

Netcdf files are outputted from the 1-D Mars Photochemical Model (1-D MPM), which is extracted from the Open University Mars Global Climate Model. The model is compiled with 70 vertical layers (sigma). File names are formatted by:

[run number]_[heterogeneous status]_[latitude]_[sol]

  • heterogeneous status:
  1. ihc = improved heterogeneous chemistry
  2. nhc = no heterogeneous chemistry

The figures to compare between the original heterogeneous scheme, the one used in the paper and when the model is run without heterogeneous chemistry are given by s30_diagfi_[label].nc. The key for the [label] describes switch run it is:

  • _noh2o2 = with new heterogeneous scheme, without the H2O2 heterogeneous reaction
  • _old = the old heterogeneous scheme used in Lefevre et al. (2021)
  • _nhc = no heterogeneous chemistry
  • .nc (no label) = new heterogeneous scheme


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