This is a part of the test dataset (Digital Image Correlation Images and CSV data) that describes the experiments done at The Open University for the Small Ring Tensile Testing of SS316L performed at various displacement rates. Unprocessed images (.NEF format) start with the prefix 'RAW' while processed images (.TIF format) start with the prefix 'CLEAN'. The following letters after that describe the test type (Small Ring Test or Uniaxial Test), followed by the material. Lastly, after the material, the crosshead extension rate is described. For instance, 'Extension Rate0_3mmMin' refers to an extension rate of 0.3 mm/min and so on. The 'RAW' folders also contain the unprocessed CSV files. The 'CLEAN' folders contain the camera information (capture interval, ISO, etc) as well as the denoised CSV experimental files. The CSV files are denoised with the help of a Butterworth filter.