This dataset contains GIS shapefiles from a project to map the Aram Dorsum region of Mars. The area was a candidate ExoMars Rover landing site.
The dataset is a morphostratigraphic map, made using remote sensing data (6 m/pixel greyscale image basemap).
The zip file contains:
1) Unit_polygons.shp: the morphostratigraphic units as polygon shapefiles (plus a Units_Aram.lyr layer file to use if you want to maintain the same approximate symbology we did)
2) Unit_oultines.shp: simple outlines of these polygons. We did not specify contact types in this mapping exercise but these could be useful if you wish to specify contact types yourself.
3) Structure_etc.shp: which contains minor features such as smaller channels and ridges, crate rims, etc, that are too small to represented as polygons, or would be inappropriate to be represented a polygons.