The Open University

Annotated Object Itineraries for Museum Collections Data

This dataset was produced through a study funded by the Open Societal Challenges programme and using tools developed through the Pelagios Network ( to annotate and visualise object itineraries in museum collections data - in this case, a sample of textual data about navigational instruments held at National Museums Scotland (NMS). The term ‘object itinerary’ describes the journey an object takes through space and time, including its interactions between the people, organisations and other objects it encounters.

Data was annotated using the Recogito Studio platform ( using a data model based on selected terms from the CIDOC CRM ( and Linked Art ( ontologies. Recogito Studio's Geo-Tagger plugin was used to align places mentioned in the text to their equivalents in Wikidata (, and the exported geo-tags were further processed to enable visualisation in Peripleo (the main repository for Peripleo is at; the visualisation of this data can be found at

The following files are included:

Object Itineraries Data Model (ObjectItinerariesDataModel_20241029.owl): OWL 2 ontology, developed using Protege (, which represents key classes and properties (entities and relationships) in the description of object itineraries.

Annotation Protocol (NMSDataAnnotationProtocol_20241028.pdf): document describing how the original data was annotated in accordance with the data model, which resulted in the CSV and GeoJSON export files.

Annotations (NMSDataAnnotations_20241028.csv): CSV export from Recogito Studio, containing all annotations, including the annotated text, its position in the main document, and associated tags.

Geo-Tags (NMSDataGeoTags_20241028.geojson): GeoJSON export from Recogito Studio, containing all geo-tags, including the co-ordinates of each annotated place and the identifiers of their equivalents in Wikidata.

Enhanced Geo-Tags (NMSDataGeoTags_TransformedEnhanced_20241028.json): JSON-LD file containing a transformed and enhanced version of the GeoJSON export, used to visualise the data in Peripleo and provide additional contextual information, including links to the relevant NMS catalogue records.


Open Societal Challenges


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